Undersized Technology Yields Undersized Regulation?

Protesters of Nanotechnology in Grenoble, France
Most of the arguments against nanotechnology feature concerns over safety regulations. When Eddie Bauer released a line of clothing utilizing nanotechnology for stain prevention, groups of nearly naked painted protesters surrounded stores in Illinois, attracting the attentions of news and science publications such as Wired. Concerns over nanotechnology in food has also caused concern. This article on nanoparticles site lack of public and government education on safety and environmental impacts of nanotechnology as major reservations.

Protesters of Nanotechnology in Chicago, IL.
Nanotechnology may seem startlingly new to these protesters, but in reality, as seen on Past, nanotechnology and its viability have been studied for decades. In fact, nanotechnology has progressed in about the same time frame as personal computers. Safety regulations are clearly a concern among governments, however, or medicinal nanoparticles such as Dr. El-Sayed's would already be available. Much of the fear experienced by these protesters has been sparked by falsities spread through science-fiction novels like the 1986 Engines of Creation.