What's Happening Now?

Real image of a gold nanosphere. Note the scale.
Right now, there are no robots like that pictured on Futures. However, researchers at Dartmouth have made a remote-controllable robot measuring a one-hundredth of an inch by one-four-hundredth. Of course this bot isn't nearly small enough nor remote enough for use in the body, but already scientists have made a prototype chip that can test ten blood proteins in ten minutes for as little as five to ten cents. Serious strides in nanomedical such as that conducted at Georgia Institute of Technology have very real-life applications in nanomedicine. The only difference between these nanotechnologies and one such as that on Futures, is that these are nanoparticles, meaning they use chemistry more so than computers to direct the particles to specific locations or uses in the body. For more information, check out @Tech or Resources.